86 inches x 47 inches
Made from authentic Mexican oilcloth. 86 inches x 47 inches, beautifully stitched and hemmed on the perimeter. Perfect for a 6 foot picnic table! Custom picnic tablecloths can be made in any oilcloth pattern.
Did you ever wonder why Frida Kahlo wore all those heavy embroidered huipiles (Indian blouses) that were indigenous to Southern Oaxaca?
Gorgeous, yes. Bold and colorful, yes. Perhaps they reminded her of the sultry, humid jungle nights spent lounging in a hammock, or the savory memories of nibbling on roasted iguana…
The Tehuana women in Tehuantepec were a bold matriarchal bunch of women who managed ranches, businesses and controlled wealth… and would party hard, drink to excess and swear like drunken sailors. She admired them and their beautiful needlework. This oilcloth pattern copies their traditional bold floral designs.