Gigante Dangling Papier Mache Skeleton - 6 feet tall

MexicanSugarSkull SKU: F2100


Only 4 left!

Looks stunning under a Christmas Tree - perfect gift for the folk art collector!

This dramatic piece is perfect to decorate your stage, restaurant, or extravagant Day of the Dead celebration. Well constructed, 6 foot tall jointed skeleton is designed and painted by the famous Linares family of Mexico City. Very similar to the gigantic skeleton in Diego Rivera's studio. Papier mâché dangling skeletons (all 3 sizes) may require extra shipping charges due to their large box volume and low weight. You'll be only charged actual UPS Ground charges on your dangling skeleton! 

For example, shipping our 6-foot skully from our warehouse in California to the East Coast costs approx $75 Box size: 43" x 18" x 18". It's always less expensive to ship UPS Ground to a commercial than a residential address. A 4-foot skeleton shipped to Seattle costs $42 Box size 24" x 15" x 15". If you order small items that can be packed around the sides, it doesn't add any additional costs. Additional UPS charges will need to be paid separately. We can't add them to an open invoice these days.  AV