Oilcloth Square Tablecloths - assorted dozen 47" squares

MexicanSugarSkull SKU: WS652


Only 7 left!

We'll send you a one dozen assortment of our most popular designs. $185 for a dozen tablecloths ~ That's $15.40 per tablecloth!  These bright, colorful & exciting designs will jazz up your merchandise collection.

We make it easy for gourmet shops, folk art stores, museum shops & garden departments to offer a big, colorful selection of oilcloth squares. Most stores retail for $30 - $32 each.  

We carry the best quality Mexican oilcloth available. We can't keep it in stock!  People want fun, bright & happy table coverings that are easy to sanitize.

It's dense, waterproof, bacteria resistant, durable - even when used with hot plates. Very easy to wipe clean in busy areas with soapy water or 409.  No laundering or glass tops necessary.  All tablecloths are 47" square. These are perfectly sized for patio & kitchen tables up to 34 inches (so there's 6.5 inch overhang or more)

We send you a dozen different designs which will make it difficult for your customers to decide which to buy! These are not trimmed and do not have umbrella holes. Neither is necessary.